Stable Retirement with IPS Fund Management

Are you ready to learn the ways of quality retirement?

TRY 1,900.00

1 hour 30 minute total time
1 analysis program
Lifetime access
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  • Essentials of retirement fund investment
  • Risk analysis for retirement funds
  • Key selection criteria for retirement funds
  • Return analysis in IPS funds and voluntary IPS calculations


Everyone dreams of living a comfortable life when retirement comes; however, only those who are prepared by saving can enjoy this privilege. One of the most important criteria for preparing for retirement in our country is the Individual Pension System (IPS), which millions of people prefer. The most important conditions for maximizing the benefits of IPS are regular savings and the selection of correct retirement funds. Within the framework of the course titled “Stable Retirement with IPS Fund Management,” prepared by Evren Bolgün's expertise, there will be a general participation opportunity for individual retirement clients and potential IPS customers. The aim is to increase the long-term and risk-focused return management in retirement portfolios of individual retirement investors without the need for robo advisory systems. In addition to the theoretical information included in the course; practical applications for all topics will be provided with Fonbul+ Emeklilik program.


Evren Bolgün
Evren Bolgün
Economist and Financial Advisor


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Course Content

8 chapters9 videos1 hour 30 minute total time
  • Introduction01:28
IPS and Pension Funds
  • Features and Advantages of IPS13:01
  • Types of Funds and Fund Market Analysis07:39
Fund Risk Analysis
  • Determination of Risk Appetite and Risk Analysis21:05
Comparative IPS Fund Return Analysis
  • Individual Pension System Return Analysis09:35
Voluntary IPS Calculation
  • IPS Pension Calculation12:34
Fund Rating
  • Pension Fund Rating12:41
What You Need to Know About the Pension Fund Market
  • Academic Findings About the Pension Fund Market11:35
  • Conclusion00:28

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TRY 1,900.00

1 hour 30 minute total time
1 analysis program
Lifetime access
Watch on all platforms