Stock Selection with Top-down Approach

Profit from head to toe! Do not miss anything with the analyzes made from the macro level to the company level.

Investment Strategies
TRY 1,125.75

2 hour 17 minute total time
1 analysis program
Lifetime access
Watch on all platforms


  • Stock selection by method
  • Sector analysis
  • Firm valuation
  • Build the right strategies


The top-down method, one of the fundamental analysis techniques used in selecting the best stock, is a strategy that necessitates extensive financial research and analysis. As the name implies, it is implemented using an analytical sequence that moves from macro to micro. Macroeconomics, sector and business analyses, and company valuation are the order of the analyses. The factors to be employed in the study and the key facts impacting these elements are thoroughly scrutinized at each stage.

The purpose of this course is to fully explain the top-down approach, which involves thorough financial research, to investors. Stock selection, fundamental analysis, and technical analysis will all be covered in the course to help participants better comprehend the methodology. The firm, which is the most challenging component of the top-down technique in terms of financial facts, will save the investors in the valuation phase by taking into account the idea and principles of valuation. In addition to all of this theoretical information, stock selection techniques will be developed and evaluated using the online QueenStocks Portfolio Selection tool on publicly listed firms. Don't miss this course if you're looking for winning techniques.


Hünkar İvgen
Hünkar İvgen
Certified Public Accountant and Consultant


You can find the programs that you can use for free with this course below!

Course Content

5 chapters13 videos2 hour 17 minute total time
  • Introduction to the Course03:48
Stock Selection Methods
  • Stock Selection Methods10:58
Technical Analysis
  • Technical Analysis08:00
  • Technical Analysis Example06:35
Top-Down Approach
  • Top-Down Approach15:11
  • Economic Analysis12:27
  • Industry and Sector Analysis05:35
  • Company Analysis08:55
  • Company Valuation17:28
Strategy Implementation with QueenStocks Program
  • ARCLK Discounted Cash Flows20:33
  • ARCLK Relative Valuation10:19
  • ARCLK Result Value04:41
  • GARAN Valuation13:17

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TRY 1,125.75

2 hour 17 minute total time
1 analysis program
Lifetime access
Watch on all platforms