Employer Obligations in Auto Enrollment System

Employers have the main role in Auto Enrollment System! Unique course to understand and learn the system correctly.

Private Pension Systems
TRY 352.20

28 minute total time
1 analysis program
Lifetime access
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  • How auto enrollment system works
  • Employer responsibilities in the system
  • Participant rights in automatic enrollment
  • Private pension company selection


Employees are automatically enrolled in the private pension system through their employers under the Auto Enrollment System. When choosing a private pension company and pension plan, as well as when transferring employee contributions to the system, employers have significant duties. If the employer fails to perform his duties or does them insufficiently, he might face consequences. To preserve the rights of their employees and to maintain a balance in their position, employers must understand the system and appropriately implement it.

This course has been designed to explain the system to employers that serve as middlemen between automatic enrollment employees and private pension providers, as well as to outline their roles and responsibilities. The terms individual pension and automatic enrollment will be defined, and information on their distinctions will be provided. Through the training, participants' rights will be thoroughly reviewed, and employers will learn what factors to take into account when selecting a private pension provider.


Zeynep Candan Aktaş
Zeynep Candan Aktaş
Private Pension Specialist, Technical Analyst and Writer


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Course Content

8 chapters14 videos28 minute total time
  • Introduction00:53
What is Individual Retirement?
  • What is Individual Retirement?02:08
What is Automatic Enrollment?
  • What is Automatic Enrollment?02:41
  • Entry to the System with Automatic Enrollment02:08
Participant Rights
  • Participant Rights01:18
  • Right of Withdrawal01:21
  • Right to Change Plan and Fund Allocation01:23
  • Right to Change Contribution Amount and Pause Payments04:06
  • Right to Transfer Savings to Another Company02:40
  • Exemption from Attachment and Pledge01:43
Employer's Obligations in Automatic Enrollment
  • Employer's Obligations in Automatic Enrollment01:15
Government Contribution in Automatic Enrollment
  • Government Contribution in Automatic Enrollment03:27
Choosing a Private Pension Company
  • Choosing a Private Pension Company02:01
  • Conclusion00:51

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TRY 352.20

28 minute total time
1 analysis program
Lifetime access
Watch on all platforms