Futures Contracts for Investors

Learn about futures contracts thoroughly with this course to avoid losing money when prices shift.

TRY 352.20

52 minute total time
Lifetime access
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  • Technical information on contracts
  • Comparison with Forwards
  • Collateral and risk
  • Review through sample contracts


Futures contracts are arrangements to purchase or sell a commodity or investment at a fixed price at a predetermined future date. It may also be broadly referred to as forward transactions that are traded on a regulated market. There are variances as well as elements that forward transactions have in common. Examples of these distinctions include pre-fixing the ceiling and floor prices to be traded throughout the day, standardization in terms of quantity and quality, and specific contract amounts and conditions.

This course has been designed to introduce futures contracts, give specific details on how these transactions are collateralized and how daily profit and loss affect collateral and describe the potential and hazards associated with using these products for investing objectives. Investors will learn the fundamentals of utilizing futures contracts to minimize risk and maximize possibilities presented by market changes during the course. After the course, the contracts traded on Borsa Istanbul will be introduced, reinforcing all the technical knowledge that has been provided. Both investors and those getting ready for the Capital Markets Board Derivatives License Exam will find it to be a useful tool.


Gökhan Güngör
Gökhan Güngör
Minerva Education and Consulting Partner

Course Content

3 chapters3 videos52 minute total time
  • Introduction and Futures Contracts08:38
Collateral in Futures Contracts
  • Collateral in Futures Contracts24:37
Futures Contracts in Turkey
  • Futures Contracts in Turkey19:24

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TRY 352.20

52 minute total time
Lifetime access
Watch on all platforms